Miscellaneous Notes
Nuggets of wisdom, with technical details accurate for version 1.16.1

Text Formatting and Colors
Courtesy of DarkenedFantasies

Audio Formats
courtesy of DarkenedFantasies
Starcraft can use 8-bit audio but it won't be compressed.
Title music and sounds from iscript/unit responses can be mono or stereo (tested up to 48000hz, higher may work fine).
Sounds from triggers, briefings, and in-game music must be mono 32000hz or stereo 22050hz to avoid issues.

Pylon Doodad State
Disabling a pylon’s doodad state does not prevent it from powering other structures. Instead, it causes a game-crashing doodad sprite to spawn and the pylon’s graphic vanishes.

Neutral Units
Units owned by neutral (player 12) can respond to orders issued by triggers, but will not accept ally statuses and can not receive AI scripts. Units given to neutral from another player retain the ally statuses their original owners had, meaning their enemies will automatically acquire them as targets. Neutral units will never attack or react to being attacked in any way, regardless of the previous owner.

Burrowed Units
Burrowed units will not be rescued if owned by a rescuable player and approached by a human. It is still possible to rescue them immediately upon rescuing a town hall, but the circle won't flash below them. If you want to create rescuable units without them 'popping into existence', you can circumvent this by creating the unit as burrowed for a computer player, ordering them to move, and immediately giving them to the rescuable player.

Alternative Player Colors - a non-issue if using custom player colors
138 is the only solid black color. Most, if not all, of the other extended player colors don’t function properly or have noise/graphical corruption associated with their use. Some may cause crashes.

End of Briefing
The standardized ‘End of briefing’ formatting can be achieved by pressing enter twice, followed by ten spaces on the third line.

Text Timing
In game, text created with the 'display text message' trigger action behave thusly: messages 80 characters or shorter remain 4 seconds on screen, +50 milliseconds per additional character when longer.

The default length of transmissions is identical to the duration of the wav associated with them. 'Set to' overrides this duration; 'Add' and 'Subtract' modify that default duration.

In-game, transmission trigger actions owned by non-human players (computer/neutral) do not pause their triggers.

iscript types
Courtesy of DarkenedFantasies

iscript headers
Courtesy of Voyager7456

iscript commands
courtesy of Voyager7456

Tileset File Documentation
courtesy of DarkenedFantasies

The following notes are courtesy of DarkenedFantasies
"Set Alliance Status" trigger action
Setting players to "Ally" or "Allied Victory" acts similarly to a switch. For example, if Player 1 is set to "Allied Victory" with Player 2, and subsequently Player 1 is set to "Ally" with Player 3, Player 1 will remain allied to Player 2 but no longer share allied victory with them. Think of it as the diplomacy screen in-game; the Allied Victory checkbox is global and cannot be turned on or off for individual players.

Player Groups
"Foes" are players the trigger owner has set to Enemy, regardless of their alliance status with the owner.
"Neutral Players" are players the trigger owner has set to Ally, regardless of their alliance status with the owner.
"Allies" are players the trigger owner has set to Allied Victory, regardless of their alliance status with the owner.
"Non Allied Victory Players" are players who do not share Allied Victory with the trigger owner, and/or the trigger owner does not share Allied Victory with.

Note: A player cannot have both "Neutral Players" and "Allies" at the same time, due to Allied Victory being a global switch, as explained in the previous point.

"Opponents" trigger condition
This condition counts how many players are unallied and/or do not share allied victory.
For example, on a map with two players: Player 1 has Player 2 set to Allied Victory, but Player 2 has Player 1 set to Enemy. Both players have 1 opponent.
On a map with three players: Player 1 has all players set to Enemy, while Player 2 and 3 have all players set to Allied Victory. Player 1 has 2 opponents, while Player 2 and 3 have 1 opponent.

"Defeat/Draw/Victory" trigger actions
"Defeat" ends the game as such for the trigger owner. Other players continue the game as normal.
"Draw" and "Victory" end the game as such for all players performing the action on the same trigger cycle, regardless of alliance status. All players not running the trigger are defeated, even if sharing Allied Victory with one of the victors. The only differences between "Draw" and "Victory" actions appear to be the text and the ability to continue playing for the "Victory" action (in the case of victorious players).

Player-owned triggers vs Force-owned triggers
Triggers owned by Forces will be executed in the same sequence as if they were owned by their respective players, based in the order the triggers are sorted (i.e. as they appear in the text trigedit or when all owners are selected in the classic trigger editor). Therefore, Force triggers are functionally not different from individually ticking multiple player owners and amount simply to organizational preference.